User Research
“Empathy is at the heart of design. Without the understanding of what others see, feel, and experience, design is a pointless task.” —Tim Brown, CEO of the innovation and design firm IDEO.
Project Description
This mobile app connects group of friends A with group of friends B, giving the opportunity of meeting new people within the safety and comfort of your inner circle.
Study Objectives
(1)To determine why and how people meet new people.(2) To identify what feelings are associated with meeting new people and how can we make it easy for people to meet new people.
Interview Method — user testing /paper prototype.
Number of Participants — 5
Locations for Research — Bellevue College Campus.
Research Activities — one-on-one interviews and affinity grouping.
Our Target Customer
From exploratory research findings we determined the most important characteristic for our target customer: The lack of confidence to meet people on their own is a key motivator for someone to want to use our product.
Insights From Research
What we learned about customer behavior, attitudes and
preferences will shape our product concept.
Product Concept
Our product addresses a challenge that people have in meeting other people. — Being with your friends when meeting new people eliminates the feeling of “awkward” that you might experience being alone.
Product Flow
We defined some key features of our product for the users to achieve their goal - to meet new people - and, viewed from above how this path would look like.
Product Concept Testing
Paper prototyping is the easiest, fastest and, cheapest way to validate your product. From the usability testing session we gather valuable insights from our users on what we need to improve, what we are doing right and what we should probably consider for the product to have. Ready to iterate!